Tuesday, July 29, 2008

World Premiere of a New Word

New words are not formed, fashioned, or constructed. They are coined. It seems to me, this occurs in one of two ways: (1) organically, rising out of the collective primordial soup of language with no clear author or progenitor, and (2) deliberately, at some fixed point in time with authorial intent. Here is my deliberate attempt to coin a new word for the entire Internet speaking world:

blogodaria (bla go dar i a) [from Bulg blagodaria, idiomatic for "thank you" + English blog ] thanks for the blog

In Bulgarian, blagodaria means "thank you." Given the homophonous nature of the first four letters with the word "blog," the new term suggests itself. Mechanically, the essence of the coinage is simply achieved by changing the "a" to an "o" in the first syllable.

The next time you favorably comment on a blog, don't forget to write: blogodaria or "thanks for the blog."


George Tarasuk said...

not to be confused with "Blago", a slavic derivation for "lousy governor".

Theophanes said...

That's hilarious!

ellis said...

One of the great accomplishments in life is to coin a word ar phrase. Hearing something you said first is a rare and true pleasure. So good luck on the coinage, and blogaria to you Theophanes.

ellis said...

I meant blogdaria.

ellis said...

Oh for God's sake, I meant blogodaria.

Theophanes said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence ellis man. I am still getting used to the new word myself. You are the first person to use the word in the comment section of a blog! This was the setting I had in mind when I coined it. You're awesome.